Friday, April 22, 2011

meeting minutes

Present: Mindy, Jenna, Anders

Absent: Josh, Samantha

Carpet information....according to the reference librarian the price of carpet if figured out those bids and that is all overseen by the facilities management....the carpet hasnt been replaced ever other than just a few squares that needed to be replaced. The newest capert to be added was in the basement remodel. summer of 2010 "The gapped areas upstairs are still on track as of now to be redone this summer


Map at enterence explaining where group work can be done or where single work can be done. Freshman and any information given at orientation???

Main plan....
Majority of tables down stairs...make upstairs more known to be silent upstairs
Rearranging the area of the storage, and where we have been meeting in the back sw corner.
Why coffee table? encourage talking and the breeze way would be benifical to be cubbies.... does make noise because of the window but cubbies would absorb noise.

Agenda: Everyone Look over requirements for report....will decide next week what people will be doing...Mindy will be outlining it so we dont overlap. Either class time or Friday at 11 for sure to walk through library and figure out where we will put everything....

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